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Kemnay Village Hall

This project was taken on to replace the old website which was needing a refresh. The idea was that the website would be able to cater for online bookings, give an idea of what is happening in the Hall itself, with regards to events and also display the Community Newsletter. Both are up and running.

The website was developed using Wordress, with plugins for the booking sytem, plus others to speed up the website, optimise the images and create the enquiry form.

Kemnay Village Hall

Timber Treats

This project was developed for a carpenter who sold timber furniture and gifts.

The site was developed using Joomla 1.0. It was a bit like a product show case website. It had a few pages, such as Projects, About Me and a Contact Me Page.

The site doesn't exist any more as the carpenter stopped trading, but it is a site which I have developed and worked on.

Timber Treats

Inverurie Choral Society

I took this project on after their webmaster had left due to other commitments.

Their current host, when I was granted this project was with Flywheel with a Hosted Wordpress site.

Initially, I noticed that there was a lot of information on the front page. Which meant there were large areas of white space and all the information meant that it was hard to find the relevant information.

After a discussion and once the committee had a few meetings, it was decided to create a new site on Wix. Why Wix? It would be cheaper than Flywheel and a little easier to maintain.

It was also decided to spread all the info on their existing home page and split it into different pages. Other additions were to have a "Meet the Singers" page with Bios and photos of all their members, plus add a blog.

It was decided to go for a new domain - Previous domains were no longer viable as previous people dealing with them had left and were no longer contactable.

The project is still ongoing, involving keeping the calendar updated and adding to the blog.

Inverurie Choral Society


This has been an ongoing project for an entrepreneur since the early 2000's. It has been developed and redelveloped several times.

The first design was made using HTML, then I started using Joomla. I have used Joomla 1.0, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 for this site.

It was recently updated using Wordpress and WooCommerce for the Shopping Cart.


Web Design Projects

These are just a selection of web design projects. You can see my full portfolio at here

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